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    El Grito
    de Los Reyes

King MissionKing FrenchyKing NelKing Andres
King OutlawKing ApocalypseKing PrincipleKing Frente
King AmbitionKing LegendKing BlueQueen Black Rose
King LokoQueen EstrellaKing FearQueen Mystique
King YaelQueen GoldenQueen MelodyKing Sincere
King Eric

Thank You...

Written by King Mission

Amor de Rey y Corona, familia. As always and forever, I hope that when you read these words you and all in your Kingdoms are in the best of health and spirit.

Often we find ourselves caught in the crossfire of insults and negative indirect comments being made from brother to brother, sister to sister, brother to sister, or sister to brother. These occurrences inspire division and tempt confusion to live in the hearts of many who are warmed by the sun of the Almighty Father. As a Nation of royalty, it is obvious that we are willing to defend our honor at any given time against any form of oppression�.regardless of how that oppression may present itself. It may present itself in our sacred colors, or it may present itself as an expert of our struggle. In either case, it is imperative that we understand that anything that does not make us stronger and promote our progression as a whole, is simply a tool of the forces that seek to deny us. To pay attention to the noise these weapons make is to give importance to these oppressive forces that laugh on the thrones we have surrendered to run out into the streets and fight each other.

Family, one of the main reasons that there exists oppressive forces in our world is because as a unified Nation we have a power that has been given to us by the Almighty Father!! Remember, we are the ALMIGHTY LATIN KING AND QUEEN NATION!! We are not just the Latin Kings from "over here", or the Latin Queens from "over there". We are not a small group of individuals who are seeking fame and fortune; We are a Nation of royal warriors�. We are a Nation of servant leaders who understand that while we fight for the good of our people, there will always exist those who simply want to follow their own agenda.

I for one would like to take a moment to thank all who have ever said anything negative about me. For those who wish me harm in the comfort of their private moments, for those who find it poetic to spit on my name, for those who conspire and promote division, while preaching unity and love, for those who are plastic and concerned on preventing the inevitable moment when their artificial crowns will melt� for those who call me brother, but know not the meaning of the word� I thank you. Yes, I thank you. I thank you for reminding me that all that shines is not Gold and all who use the Father's name are not righteous. I thank you for reminding me that a true servant of the people finds his/her rewards in the complete progression of his/her people� not fame among them. I thank you, and I wish you well. I will continue to include you in my prayers and ask the Almighty to warm you with His love so that the ice of your negative existence can be melted. I thank you, and I embrace you as my communal brother.

I am a Latin King� with my left knee down and my right knee up, I raise my crown with great humility and appreciation to our Father, King of Kings, for it is He that has allowed me to serve my royal family. I look to my left and to my right and I see royalty�my brothers and sisters�my family. I look in front of me and see my community� also my brothers and sisters in the struggle� my family� my community. What is the difference? When true royalty embraces, two bodies become one. When true royalty embraces its communal family, two bodies give truth to the phrase, "Many Choose, but few are Chosen". The body that is embraced by true royalty is introduced to selflessness and sacrifice. The King / Queen embraces his/her community with the willingness to fight to the death so that the community can succeed.

Amor de Rey y Corona!!
King Mission
[email protected]