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    El Grito
    de Los Reyes

King MissionKing FrenchyKing NelKing Andres
King OutlawKing ApocalypseKing PrincipleKing Frente
King AmbitionKing LegendKing BlueQueen Black Rose
King LokoQueen EstrellaKing FearQueen Mystique
King YaelQueen GoldenQueen MelodyKing Sincere
King Eric


Written by King Apocalypse

Born into oppression in 1985, Brother King Apocalypse awoke. Apocalypse was born and raised in Jamaica Queens, New York. His parents were humble immigrants from El Salvador seeking to find a better way of life from which they left; little did they know that their migration would be the catalyst for Apocalypse's revolutionary mentality...

Apocalypse spent his younger years in the streets searching for a purpose. He associated himself with gang members and participated in criminal activities. Cutting school, using drugs and fighting for recognition, clearly Apocalypse was headed to a road of destruction. Though Apocalypse was going through his personal struggles, he was always passionate about helping people in need and speaking up when no one else would.

On one occasion Apocalypse was arrested for confronting to a Police Officer that wrongfully arrested a youth from the neighborhood. The young man was at the wrong place, at the wrong time and fit the description. In his anger, the Officer choked Apocalypse with his night stick then slammed him to the back of a parked car for trying to come to the young man's aid. Coming out of the blur and regaining clarity, Apocalypse saw two little girls looking in the back seat of the car that he forced to. There, as he noticed that they were afraid. He thought, "what will they think of me, of our people, and of law enforcement�? He was booked and charged with disorderly conduct and was now a part of the system.

Never putting it behind him, Apocalypse went on to receive his GED from Jamaica learning Center; he was only 16 years old. Unsure of what he wanted to do with his life he went to work. For the next year he worked odd jobs in Manhattan where he observed an entirely different world, a world of people who did not go home to roaches, rats and drug infested neighborhoods. He saw that people were happy with their lives, they weren�t afraid to walk the streets, and he wanted to feel the same way, so he applied to college.

He was accepted to Columbia Union College in Takoma Park, Maryland where he started his BS in Counseling Psychology. Two years after that he said his goodbye's to CUC as they dismissed him for a letter that he wrote to the students and administration about the hypocrisy at the SDA (Seventh Day Adventist) school. He then thought to go to the military but decided to return to continue his Higher education after a conversation he had with a young man from his old neighborhood about his experience in college. To date, Apocalypse graduated from Morgan State University with a Bachelors of Science in the field of Psychology and is working towards obtaining a Masters in Social Work. It was at Morgan where he became conscious of the levels of slavery that plagues people of the third world and in urban communities and found his passion for activism.

Apocalypse has the honor to serve the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation on an international level under former global advisor King Mission. As an assistant to the senior leadership team, he has helped recognize and organize chapters and countries around the globe. Apocalypse is a strict practitioner of Kingism and continues work as a servant of the community. He is a youth counselor for the city of Baltimore, he has established a youth mentoring service in the state of Maryland which deals with youth gang prevention, teaching work skills, proper public behavior, and counseling. Apocalypse has also launched his first family based organization that promotes financial success, closeness of family and youth empowerment. These are just a few things that brother Apocalypse uses to try to tackle the monster that is oppression; he seeks to attack oppression from all aspects possible for the survival of our race and people.

Plans for the Future include, obtaining a doctoral degree in clinical psychology with an emphasis in psycho-analysis, founding Latino-America College and university system abroad, open recreation centers in poverty stricken areas, form scholarship foundations for underprivileged youth who want to go to college, and many other ventures that promote minority empowerment.

A special thanks to those who have helped along my progression as an aspiring community leader.

I leave as I came, proclaiming 360 degrees of strong King wisdom yesterday, today, always, and forever!!!

Amor de Rey y Corona

King Apocalypse
Ocha Chapter
[email protected]

"I do not seek to be recognized, I do not wish to mentally, verbally, and physically abuse my Brothers and Sisters. I only wish to be guided by the light of the Almighty Father so that I can better serve my community" -- Apocalypse