ALKQN University The Sisterhood A Time for Change Two Sides to a Story, One Glorious Path National Services |
Amor De Rey!! |
El Grito De Los Reyes *was originally created in 1995 by El David and Rosi during their time with the ALKQN
Amor de Rey y Corona, familia.
I hope that when you read this message you all and all in your Kingdoms are truly in the best of health and spirit.
It is with great pride and pleasure that I re-introduce you all to El Grito De Los Reyes. With its history in serving as the newsletter for the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation, EL Grito returns in 2011 as a resource for the entire community. We embrace the reality that the kingdom is made up of more than just one castle. We also embrace the understanding that no one voice is heard above the collective voice of the people.
Moving forward, EL Grito De Los Reyes will include the majestic material of Kings and Queens of the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation, as well as the conscious content of the community as a whole.
Enjoy an immersion into sentiments dripping of sincerity from those who reside on the front lines of our community�s progression.
Embrace the roar of Lion�s roaming in every corner of the globe.
Be reminded of the responsibilities that come with the thrown and the commitment that is demanded by the crown.
Welcome to El Grito De Los Reyes.
Amor de Rey y Corona!
King Mission
Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation
Familia Amor de Rey yCorona.
Espero que al leer �stemensaje todos se encuentren en la mejor salud y esp�ritu al igual que todos ensus Reinos.
Es con gran orgullo y placerque les re-introduzca a todos El Grito de los Reyes. Con su historia de servir como el bolet�n dela Todopoderosa Naci�n de los Reyes y Reinas Latinas, El Grito regresa en el2011 como un recurso para la comunidad entera. Aceptamos y reconocemos la realidad que el reino est� compuesto pormucho mas que un Castillo. Tambi�n entendemos que una voz no va por encima de la voz colectiva del Pueblo.
De ahora en adelante, ElGrito de los Reyes incluir� l material majestuoso de los Reyes y Reinas de laNaci�n Todopoderosa de los Reyes y Reinas Latinos, al igual que material deconciencia de la comunidad entera.
Disfruten del derrame desentimientos sinceros de aquellos que se encuentran en las primeras filas delprogreso comunitario.
Af�rrense del rugir delLe�n que camina en cada rinc�n del globo.
Recu�rdense de lasresponsabilidades que acompa�an el trono y el compromise que es demandado porla corona.
Bienvenidos a El Grito De Los Reyes.
Amor de Rey y Corona!
King Mission
Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation
The men and women who sincerely make up the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation are far fewer in numbers than the masses may believe. The pages that follow are but a glimpse of our complex existence. Here we will show you a piece of our heart, but we will not sell you our soul. Available on and | | was created by Kings and Queens of the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation who understand that evolution, righteousness and community upliftment, are more than mere conversation pieces... These Kings and Queens understand that these are terms that demand action and effort. To evolve one must be willing to grow and to grow one must be willing to learn and sacrifice. Six years and still roaring... |
“The Vision of ALKQN University is to see those who understand and accept the responsibility of living their lives in accordance with our one and only constitution rise to a point where the truth is not regarded as a rarity, but rather runs rampant in a manner that causes the lies and myths of the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation to hide in the very shadows that oppression creates.”
Amor de Rey y Corona, Family.
I hope that these words find you and yours in the best of health and spirits in all aspects of your kingdoms and that you are continually guided on the path to righteousness in all aspects of life.
We the ALKQN have grown to become a nation with different perceptions, cultures, and customs since our globalization. We have branched out into every corner of the world with a divine mission to aid all oppressed people wherever they are. From the States, to South America, Europe and Asia, Latinos and people of all races alike have taken to the calling of wearing the crown and becoming reflections of the light. With this it must be understood that because of our global progression, there were many distortions of who were are. Our manifesto and constitution were replaced with half-truths and diluted versions of our scriptures for the benefit of a few people in power.
This is why it is important for our people to know the truth. ALKQN University represents that of the truth. At ALKQN University, our brothers and sisters learn from each other�s experience along with the experience of knowledgeable professors who have lived through some of the same trials and tribulations that our people face on the streets today. They have held structural positions and know the inner working of the Nation on a global level. ALKQN University is a safe space for Latin Kings and Queens to challenge the thoughts of the mainstream discourses of our beloved Nation. It is also a place where our brothers and sisters come to grow.
ALKQN University was made by Latin Kings and Queens, for the ALKQN. With real world applications, dialogue/discussion groups, and dedicated professors, ALKQN University was constructed to break the chains of oppression through education of the truth about who we are as a people.
Amor de Rey, Amor de Reina, Amor de Corona�
Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation
K. Apocalypse
Associate Professor
ALKQN University
"Stand for something or fall for anything"
Amor de Rey y Corona, Familia.
Espero que estas palabras los encuentren a ustedes y suyos en el mejor de salud y esp�ritus en todos los aspectos de sus reinos y que est�n continuamente guiados en el camino a la justicia en todos los aspectos de la vida.
Nosotros, el ALKQN hemos crecido hasta convertirnos en una naci�n con diferentes percepciones, culturas y costumbres ya nuestra globalizaci�n. Hemos diversificado en todos los rincones del mundo con una misi�n divina para ayudar a todos los oprimidos en cualquier lugar. De los Estados, a Am�rica del Sur, Europa y Asia, Latinos y gente de todas razas igual han contestado la llamada de llevar la corona y convertirse en el reflejo de la luz. Con esto, se debe entender que debido a nuestro progreso global, hubo muchas distorsiones de lo que se es. Nuestro manifiesto y la constituci�n fueron sustituidos por medias verdades y versiones diluidas de las escrituras en beneficio de unas pocas personas en poder.
Es por esto que es importante para que nuestro pueblo conozca la verdad. Universidad ALKQN representa la verdad. En la Universidad ALKQN, nuestros hermanos y hermanas aprenden de las experiencias de otros, junto con la experiencia de los profesores con conocimientos que han vivido algunas de las mismas pruebas y tribulaciones que nuestros pueblos enfrentan en las calles hoy en d�a. Que han ocupado puestos estructurales y conocen el funcionamiento interno de la Naci�n a nivel mundial. Universidad ALKQN es un espacio seguro para Reyes y Reinas Latinos para que contesten pensamientos de los discursos populares de nuestra amada naci�n. Es tambi�n un lugar donde nuestros hermanos y hermanas vienen a crecer.
Universidad ALKQN fue hecha por Reyes y Reinas Latinos, para el ALKQN. Con aplicaciones del mundo real, grupos de di�logo/discusi�n y profesores dedicados, ALKQN Universidad fue construido para romper las cadenas de la opresi�n a trav�s de la educaci�n de la verdad acerca de qui�nes somos como miembros del ALKQN.
Amor de Rey, Amor de Reina, Amor de Corona ...
Almighty Latin King y Queen Nation
K. Apocalypse
Profesor Asociado
Universidad ALKQN
"Lev�ntate por algo o cae por nada"
Student Testimonials
"From these classes, I�ve learned that we have all came a long way and how much further we need to go. Also, that it is hard applying one�s self into practice, and that many of us do not know true King Love. Our division comes from the pointing of fingers because of problems and lack of proper solutions."
� King Kapone
"I have grown to know more of our Nation�s beautiful history as well as its promising future, we had many discussions and I was enlightened by those who participated. I have also learned that the Nation is divided with labels or hoods but we all come together for our cause of the crown. And that there will always be conflicts of individual people but the true unity comes from our pride and strength that we all get from our black and gold lessons. It really put me back into perspective, of why the nation is here and what we have to do in order for it to prosper."
� King Chlydz Don�t Play
"Amor. As a brother in the Nation for about 4 years and being one of the first ones to get accepted into the University of the ALKQN it has been an honor. To learn what I have learned means the world to me. To have the truth taught is what I desire all the time. To be taught by those who have been there and have witnessed the birth and the change and the expansion is what the University of the ALKQN is all about. I truly endorse this University if you want to learn what it really means to be a brother/sister in the Nation."
-King Kahayarix
"Que el todopoderoso padre rey de reyes llene de bendiciones a cada unos de mis hermano del ALKQN.Voy a expresar mi gratitud y mi experiencia en el ALKQN-U, mi gratitud por haberme dado la oportunidad de participar y de reafirmar el conocimiento del KMC. Mi experiencia en ALKQN-U ha sido �nica y satisfactoria. He reforzado mis conocimientos y he compartido mis pensamientos y conceptos con el resto de hermanos/as participantes. Solo queda decir que fue una experiencia Real. Y desde aqu� con mi Corona en alto Animo a los hermanos/as ha unirse y a participar en futuros ALKQN-U. Me despido con un fuerte Abrazo. AMOR"
Barcelona - Espa�a.
"Recuerdo cuando me llego un mail en el que dec�a que cualquier hermano o hermana pod�a participar en la Universidad de la ALKQN, sin dudarlo env�e mi ensayo y tuve la oportunidad de participar. No es una Universidad cualquiera, es un lugar donde entre familia se pueden aclarar dudas, compartir puntos de vista y aprender el verdadero significado de la ALKQN. Mucha gente pasa el tiempo en redes sociales hablando de Naci�n, de una Naci�n que realmente solo existe en sus mentes, un rey o reina fuerte tiene que ser sabio, la Universidad de la ALKQN ayuda a tener esa sabidur�a dejando las suposiciones, mentiras y enredos a un lado. Hermanos y hermanas, yo les recomiendo este lugar y les agradezco a los hermanos esta iniciativa que han tenido de tomarse su tiempo, las molestias de estar pendientes y como todo rey/reina debe de hacer ayudar, servir y organizar."
The Sisterhood has fought for many of the privileges that we hold today. The right to vote, own property, further our education, all made possible by women with one cause. Women are the backbone, the pillars, bearer of tomorrow�s generation. So how sad it is to see the tearing of the very fabric that once held us all together! It appears that as time progresses we move further away from the actual basis behind our very existence.
We are a Sisterhood, comprised of Mothers, daughters, wives, united as one. We are the voice of all those who cannot speak, we have come a long way from the oppression that held us and did not allow us to become productive members of society. We are more than just a high school drop out on welfare! We are lawyers, Doctors, Teachers, Counselors! We were yesterday�s hope, just as we are tomorrows History!
If we are to move towards brighter tomorrows, and break cycles of poverty, and injustice; if we are to eradicate poor socio-economic conditions, and assist our third world countries; If we are to educate our young and enlighten those that are in need; If we are to right the wrongs and continue in the paths created by all those brothers and sisters who lost their lives and sacrifices for us �their future�; If we are to walk together side by side, shouldn�t we first begin by remembering that it is through the unification into one nucleus that all of this shall be accomplished?
The constant attacks on the character of another over jealousy and envy, is extremely sad. The way some of us portray ourselves on social networking sites, forgetting who and what we represent. We have created an air of promiscuity which angers and offends sisters that do not act or carry themselves in that way. The younger generation is far too relaxed and ignorant on what their mission in life is; while the older generation has just taken a step back. Every day we stray farther from who and what we are!
Seems that far to much energy is spent on rehashing old wounds, creating new ones, division, gossip, tyranny, ill will, and not enough time nor energy is spent on creating and implementing positive innovative ways to reach one, teach one, and in the process break the chains of oppression, eradicate poverty, educate our youth, and ensure that there is equality in the delivery of justice. Begin to change the poor socio-economic conditions that we see ourselves in and reach those goals and dreams that we were told were unattainable.
Aside from being Women, Mothers, Wives, we are Sisters! The Sister Hood is a society of women united into one, working towards a greater cause, a purpose. What correlation does the Sisterhood have with the Nation? The bond that should exist between each and every women who took an oath to enlighten, empower and uplift Oppressed People Everywhere!
Queen Justice
I�m trying to find something
to base my life upon,
something in this strange world
that goes on and on.
As the years go by and time fades away,
what used to be the "good days"
are now filled with dismay.
You do what you're supposed to do,
with no frown or fuss.
Not because you want to,
but because you must.
Day after day
it�s like a routine.
Soon you feel empty,
but you don't know what it could be.
You want no sympathy
but it's something you can't see.
Everything used to make sense
but now you're lost in a maze.
You feel so tense,
and you pray for better days.
Something just doesn't seem right
you look for an answer that's not there.
You stay awake all night,
but you feel like no one cares.
Things don't seem the same,
but what should you do?
You think you should change,
but change for who?
After a discussion I had today with an hermanito, and as he shed light on some topics, I came to the realization that what I once knew to be true may have been nothing more than an illusion. Years ago I thought that the war was about gaining respect and power by who had the most drugs, money and territories. I grew up thinking that the more violent you were the more people would be afraid of you. But where is the true respect and power there? Those things that once made me gain �respect and power� are materialistic and as easily as they came into my life they are now gone, along with the �respect and power�. And also with that the people that pledged to be by my side no matter what were part of the illusion of what they taught me to be �respect and power�. So, now I find myself at a fork in the road do I continue to fight a war that truly has no meaning or do I change my ways (mind, body and, soul) and fight with passion for a cause that�s dear to my heart. To fight in a war that will empower, educate, and uplift my Latino community, as well as my family. So, that the chains of oppression may be broken and show our future generations that change is possible, to be a role model and teach them to make positive choices in life.
All of us experience change in our lives. Change is the one constant in our lives. There are changes that we look forward to and change that we fear. However, one thing is for sure. Things will not stay the same no matter how much we would like them too. When a life change occurs, we have two choices in how to respond. We can despair that a change has come and assume that things will be worse, or we can look with excitement at the new possibilities that the change presents.
I�ve chosen to change for myself as well as for the greater good so that I may change my family and my community. I choose to bring life not death. So who and/or what will you change for?
Amor de Reina,
Queen Hazel
One King's Mission, Incorporated is proud to offer professional presentations for Universities and Community Organizations such as the ones listed below. For a complete listing, visit
Unhealthy Relationships
An Introduction to Power and Abuse this comprehensive program provides an overview of Power and Abuse. Unhealthy Relationships provides examples of different types of abuse, advice for helping a friend in an abusive relationship and also helps connect victims with services available in their local communities. This program is interactive and informative and works well with any audience.
From Storming the Streets to Stomping the Yard
The correlation between street organizations and college fraternities/sororities is greater than many realize or choose to accept. From Storming the Streets to Stomping the Yard explores the similarities and differences of these organizations, as well as the reasons behind membership. Participants will leave this presentation understanding that although the scenery may be different, the cause is fueled by our commitment to the community as a whole and not our organizational claims.
Who we are:
We at One King�s Mission, commit ourselves to all communities in need. While our ethnic composition allows us to be more personally in-tune with the trials and tribulations of the Latino Community, we understand that it is the deterioration of humanity as a whole that must be combated.
Through a series of projects and initiatives, we will seek to inspire, motivate, maintain, and magnify movements that will serve as the catapults that take us all to the next level. We will not reinvent the wheel that others have perfected... rather; we will focus on the neglected maintenance of the vehicle that will move us all forward.
There may not always be warm walls around us to keep the cold out so an event can be held... there may not always be sound systems available to broadcast our sensually styled sentiments... there may not always be an abundance of people representing a vast population� but there will always, always, be the passion, drive, understanding, and the fortitude to wake and confront, head on, the ills of our community.
Let�s start by saying there�s a difference in reality, perception, and some one�s perception of reality. One�s own beliefs can give them an actual vision or a diversified perception. As it�s well known across the globe, a vast majority of people�s perceptions are dictated or swayed by the media and only see the image they portray. The reality is never seen unless experienced personally. A dark veil is placed upon many individuals until they go through the trials and tribulations that guide them to the light they seek, that small break through the darkness that surrounds and clouds our judgment till we finally sit back and say, I truly understand. When we see an image in a different light, it can transform itself to something ugly for sure, since the vast majority of the public see the glass as half empty. Also it can transform and take shape to a beautiful structure, a work of art, a natural course of understanding, only if the glass was half full, huh?
As we can go through the papers, the documentations, and the history books, we can see for ourselves what the media portrays when the say the name, Almighty Latin Kings and Queens Nation. The common perspective is that it�s a violent street gang involved in nothing but criminal activity. The positivity that glows through our collective veins is never mentioned in the same breath or in the after thoughts. Well, if I lived life with that shallow of a perspective I would have the belief that the Armed Forces is an institution for suicidal individuals, (For the second year in a row, more American soldiers�both enlisted men and women and veterans�committed suicide than were killed in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Excluding accidents and illness, 462 soldiers died in combat, while 468 committed suicide. A difference of six isn't vast by any means, but the symbolism is significant and troubling. In 2009, there were 381 suicides by military personnel, a number that also exceeded the number of combat dehttps://ttp:// ). Or perhaps that Buzz Aldrin, who landed on the moon in Apollo 11 or Senator Ted Kennedy, should be discredited for their personal choices in substance abuse (Buzz Aldrin accomplished and even bigger feat than walking on the moon - overcoming alcoholism and depression.
By Robert Epstein, published on May 01, 2001 - last reviewed on August 18, 2004 )( AS WELL AS SEN. KENNEDY�S LONG TERM BATTLE WITH ALCOHOLIShttps://// )
I mean who would want to believe in a couple of alcoholics? Trust is such a vital necessity to society, for our cultures to properly function. For example, we need to trust in the police to protect and serve, as we know is not always the case, or else who do we turn to? An older brother, a father or an uncle? Who is a small child going to call upon in a time of need because of some deviant sexual predator, who most of the time, was a trusted person.
Child Abuse Myths & Facts
Myths regarding the sexual abuse of children abound. Here are a few of the most common myths, followed by the facts.
Myth: Child sexual abuse is a rare occurrence.
Fact: One out of three girls, and one out of five boys, will experience some form of sexual abuse by the age of 18. Many cases of child sexual abuse involve children under the age of five.
Myth: Child sexual abuse is most often committed by strangers.
Fact: Ninety percent of child victims know their sexual offenders; most offenders are trusted family members, relatives or friends. Sexual abuse within the family often begins in early childhood and may last several years.
Myth: Child abusers are easy to identify.
Fact: Child abusers cannot be easily distinguished from others. They usually are not adults with mental illness or mental retardation. Offenders come from every profession and socioeconomic group, and many adult offenders are upstanding members of their community.
Myth: Children who are abused do something to cause the abuse to occur.
Fact: The child is always the victim. The responsibility for the abuse lies solely with the offender. In the case of child sexual abuse, many offenders try to shift the blame for their actions by accusing the child of being seductive or promiscuous.
Myth: Children often make up stories about sexual relations with adults.
Fact: Young children do not know enough about sex to describe behaviors that have not occurred.;=view&id;=12&Itemid;=47 )
Also as I�m not one to glorify negativity but to speak freely an frankly about any adversity put on a platter in front of me, as we dig into our plates of mass contradiction, are we supposed to be trusting the government agency of the CIA? I can cite three cases where they aided in the trafficking of drugs to fund operations.
Further information: CIA and Contra's cocaine trafficking in the US
A lawsuit filed in 1986 by two journalists represented by the Christic Institute showed that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and other parties were engaged in criminal acts, including financing the purchase of arms with the proceeds of cocaine sales.[87]
Senator John Kerry's 1988 U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations report on Contra drug links concludes that members of the U.S. State Department "who provided support for the Contras are involved in drug trafficking...and elements of the Contras themselves knowingly receive financial and material assistance from drug traffickers."[88] The report further states that "the Contra drug links include...payments to drug traffickers by the U.S. State Department of funds authorized by the Congress for humanitarian assistance to the Contras, in some cases after the traffickers had been indicted by federal law enforcement agencies on drug charges, in others while traffickers were under active investigation by these same agencies."
In 1996, journalist Gary Webb published reports in the San Jose Mercury News,[89] and later in his book Dark Alliance,[90] detailing how Contras, with the assistance of the U.S. government had distributed crack cocaine into Los Angeles to fund weapons purchases.
Webb's premise regarding the US Government connection was initially attacked at the time by the corporate media. It is now widely accepted that Webb's main assertion of government "knowledge of drug operations, and collaboration with and protection of known drug traffickers" was correct.[91] In 1998, CIA Inspector General Frederick Hitz published a two-volume report[92] that while seemingly refuting Webb's claims of knowledge and collaboration in its conclusions did not deny them in its body.[93] Hitz went on to admit CIA improprieties in the affair in testimony to a House congressional committee. Mainstream media has since reversed its position on Webb's work acknowledging his contribution to exposing a scandal they had ignored.
Heroin trafficking operations of the CIA, U.S. Navy and Sicilian Mafia
Further information: Collaborations between the United States government and Italian Mafia
During World War II, the United States Navy, concerned that strikes and labor disputes in U.S. eastern shipping ports would disrupt wartime logistics, released the mobster Lucky Luciano from prison, and collaborated with him to help the mafia take control of those ports. Labor union members were terrorized and murdered as a means of preventing labor unrest and ensuring smooth shipping of supplies to Europe.
In order to prevent Communist party members from being elected in Italy following World War II, the CIA worked closely with the Sicilian Mafia, protecting them and assisting in their worldwide heroin smuggling operations in exchange for the mafia's assistance with assassinating, torturing, and beating leftist political organizers.
CIA/KMT opium smuggling operations
To provide covert funds for the Kuomintang (KMT) forces loyal to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek, who were fighting the Chinese communists under Mao, the CIA helped the KMT smuggle opium from China and Burma to Bangkok, Thailand by providing airplanes owned by one of their front businesses, Air America.
Further information: CIA and Contra's cocaine trafficking in the US
So when do they get classified for so called gang activity? So as I progress with my thoughts, and hand you my glasses so you can see what I see, keep in mind, the final judgment is for the King of Kings, he who gave us what we have. Other questions have their way of popping up in your mind as well, why, where, when and how? It�s really not that complicated, because a true seeker will seek the knowledge he wishes, learn it and embrace it, and become a teacher unto others. As ignorance is our worst enemy, it is only because we allow ourselves to be that way.
Many have strived in within the state of Mississippi that I am currently writing from, and it�s to their efforts and dedication we owe much gratitude as well as the ongoing efforts of those who still remain on a consistent basis. King Ren was blessed on 2/5/87 in Rochelle, ILL by Honorable King Eddie. As he is serving a prison sentence for bank robbery, a fault he openly accepts, he struggled and sacrificed any and everything he could to bring about the righteous teachings of the KMC and give us the guidance we so readily sought out. King Mission came down here and met with him in June 2008 and continues to help us seek our light that shines ever so bright at the end of the dark tunnel we consumed ourselves in. It�s not the misrepresented works of a gang or organization, or some young youths doing illegal deeds, if that was the case let us forget the career I surround myself with, let me go join the suicide squad in an imperialistic government instead of guide a youth what not to do to end up where some of us once were. I myself support every ounce of belief through actions of consistency, consistently working in a career opportunity in food management. As well as others have and do managers, truck drivers, lawyers, and probation officers for example. We keep striving to move one more step on that golden path and remain consistent, because idleness amounts to regression, if you�re not doing anything for the better, in actuality you doing absolutely nothing. True Kings and Queens lead by the example set forth by them and the ones before them. We do follow our laws in a rigorous manner, of course! We are here to serve the people, not the government law that oppresses us to their conformity. We rely on our state crown council to discuss and decipher our issues concerning our nation as a whole in the state, as we do as a whole in the nation. It�s been a long path already started 49 years ago in Chicago, and yet, we have still only just begun...
King Chip
The state of Mississippi
National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) TTY: 1-800-787-3224 Rape Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) 1-800-656-HOPE National Teen Dating Violence Hotline: 1-866-331-9474 or TTY: 1-866-331-8453 Linea National de Violencia Domestica 800-799-7233 American Overseas Domestic Violence Crisis Center (AODVCC) 1-866-USWOMEN Deaf Unity Hotline: [email protected] | ||
Alabama � Domestic Violence Intervention Center: Auburn P.O. Box 2183 Opelika, AL 36031-2183 (334) 749-1515 Crisis Line/Office Chambers, Lee, Macon, Randolph, and Tallapoosa � YWCA Domestic Violence Services: Birmingham P.O. Box 11865 Birmingham, AL 35202 (205) 322-4878 Crisis Line (205) 322-9922 Office Blount, Jefferson and St. Clair � Alabama's Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-650-6522 |
Alaska � Anchorage Abused Women�s Aid in Crisis (907) 272-0100 � Standing Together Against Rape (907) 276-7273 1-800-478-8999 � Fairbanks Interior Alaska Center for Non-Violent Living (907) 452-7273 1-800-478-7273 � Juneau Aiding Women in Abuse and Rape Emergencies (907) 586-1090 1-800-478-1090 � Unalaska Unalaskans Standing Against Family Violence (907) 581-1500 1-800-478-7238 � Valdez Advocates for Victims of Violence (907) 835-2980 |
Arizona � Against Abuse PO Box 10733 Casa Grande, AZ 85230 (520) 836-1239 (520) 836-0858 (24 hr crisis line) � Emerge! Center Against Domestic Abuse 2545 E. Adams Street Tucson, AZ 85716 Phone: 520-795-8001 Crisis line: 888-428-0101 Fax: 520-795-1559 � Our House/Nuestra Casa PO Box 1412 Nogales Nogales, AZ 85621 520-287-2107 � Tohdenasshai Shelter/Kayenta DV Task Force PO Box 1510 Kayenta, AZ 86033 928-697-8591 928-697-3635 928-697-8592 Fax � Arizona Coalition Against Domestic Violence 602-279-2900 1-800-782-6400 |
Arkansas � Family Violence Prevention and Rape Crisis Center (S.A.I.L.) P.O. Box 2943 Batesville, AR 72503 Phone: 870-793-4011, 870-692-0006 (Rape Crisis Ctr.) Hotline: 870-793-8111, Toll free: 800-894-8821 Web: � Turning Point Violence Intervention Program 900 E. First El Dorado, AR 71730 Phone: 870-862-3672 Hotline: 870-862-0929 Toll Free: 800-980-0929 � Arkansas Coalition Against Domestic Violence 1401 West Capitol Suite 170 Little Rock, AR 72201 800-269-4668 501-907-5612 California � California Partnership to End Domestic Violence toll free number (800)524-4765. � SAVE Shelter Against Violent Environment to Safe Alternatives to Violent Environments Fremont 510- 794-6055 � Alternatives to Domestic Violence Riverside (951) 683-0829;1-800-339-SAFE (7233) � Community United Against Violence San Francisco 415-333-HELP |
Colorado � Alternatives to Family Violence Commerce City, CO (Serving Adams County) Crisis: 303.289.4441 Admin: 303.428.9611 � Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence Boulder, CO (Serving Boulder County) Crisis: 303.444.2424 Admin: 303.449.8623 � Crossroads Safehouse Fort Collins, CO (Serving Larimer County) Crisis: 888.541.7233 Admin: 970.530.2353 Colorado Coalition Against Domestic Violence Member Program � Colorado Coalition Against Domestic Violence 303.831.9632 888.778.7091 |
Connecticut � The Center for Women and Families 753 Fairfield Avenue Bridgeport, Connecticut 06604 Domestic Violence Local Hotline: (203)384-9559 Rape Crisis Services Hotline: (203) 333-2233 � Prudence Crandall Center, Inc. P.O. Box 895 (860) 225-5187 � Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence 90 Pitkin Street East Hartford, CT 06108 888-774-2900 |
Delaware � The SAFE Program - Kent & Sussex Counties 302-422-8058 � Child, Inc. - New Castle County 302-762-6111 � Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence 100 W. 10th Street, Suite 903 Wilmington DE, 19801 (302) 658-2958 |
District of Columbia � My Sister's Place, Inc (202) 529-5261 � Ayuda (202) 387-4848 |
Florida � SPARCC Hotline number: (941)365-1976 2139 Main Street Sarasota, FL 34234 Administration: (941)365-0208 � Miami-Dade Advocates for Victims Hotline numbers: (305) 758-2546 or (305)247-4249 (Homestead) Hotline TTY numbers: (305) 758-2546 or (305)247-7674 (Homestead) P.O. Box 380817 Miami, FL 33238-0817 Administration: (305)758-2804, ext. 224 � Florida Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-500-1119 |
Georgia � Promise Place 350 N. Jeff Davis Drive, Fayetteville, GA 30214 (770) 461 3839 � Halcyon Home for Battered Women, Inc. P.O. Box 1838 Thomasville, GA 31799 229-226-6666 Crisis/Support Line |
Hawaii � Hawaii State Coalition Against Domestic Violence Hilo 959-8864 Kauai 245-6362 Kona 322-SAFE (7233) Maui/Lanai 579-9581 Molokai 567-6888 Oahu 841-0822 (Town/Leeward) 526-2200 or 528-0606(Windward) |
Idaho � TRHS Family Violence Prevention Program (208) 345-1170 Boise, Idaho 83705 � Sane Solutions To Physical and Sexual Abuse (208) 323-9600 Boise, ID 83705 � Idaho Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-669-3176 |
Illinois � Connections for Abused Women and Their Children Chicago Hotline Phone Number: (773) 278-4566 Voice and TTY: (773)489-9081 � Safe Harbor Family Crisis Center Galesburg Hotline Phone Number: (309) 343-7233 � Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence Hotline 217-789-2830 |
Indiana � Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence Statewide Hotline (800) 332-7385 � YWCA Women's Shelter St. Joseph, South Bend, IN Domestic violence shelter 574-233-9491 crisis line: 866-937-9922 � Bartholomew County Turning Point Domestic Violence Services P. O. Box #103, Columbus, IN 47202-0103 812-379-5575 crisis line: 800-221-6311 |
Iowa � Domestic Violence Intervention Program P.O. Box 3170 Iowa City, IA 52244 In Iowa: 1-800-373-1043 Phone: 319-351-1043 � Iowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence 515 28th St # 104 Des Moines, IA 50312-5259 (515) 244-8028 |
Kansas � The Kansas Crisis Hotline 1-888-363-2287 � Satanta Outreach Office 411 Cheyenne, Satanta, KS 24 Hour Phone: 620-649-3334 � YWCA Administrative Office: 1111 N. St. Francis Wichita, KS 67214 Office: (316) 263-7501 24 Hour Crisis Line: (316) 267-SAFE / (316) 267-7233 |
Kentucky � Louisville Area - The Center for Women and Families Crisis Line: (877) 803-7577 Business Line: (502) 581-7200 Website: � Lexington Area - Bluegrass Domestic Violence Program Crisis Line: (800) 544-2022 Business Line: (859) 233-0657 Website: � Kentucky Domestic Violence Association 111 Darby Shire Circle, Frankfort, Ky 40601 (502) 209 KDVA (5382) |
Louisiana � Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence 1763 Physicians Park Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70816-3223 (225) 752-1296 888-411-1333 � Lafayette Parish Faith House 337-232-8954 � West Baton Rouge Parish Family Intervention Center 800-541-9706 |
Maine � Maine Coalition To End Domestic Violence (866) 834-HELP (4357) � Caring Unlimited (York County) P.O. Box 590, Sanford, ME 04073 Admin.: 207-490-3227 Hotline: 1-800-239-7298 � Hope and Justice Project (Aroostook County) 754 Main Street, Presque Isle, ME 04769 Admin.: 207-764-2977 Hotline: 1-800-439-2323 |
Maryland � Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence 6911 Laurel Bowie Road Suite 309, Bowie, MD 20715 1-800-MD-HELPS or 301-352-4574 � Baltimore City House of Ruth MD* (410) 889-7884 � Cecil County Cecil County Domestic Violence / Rape Crisis Center (410) 996-0333 � Harford County Sexual Assault / Spouse Abuse Resource Center (410) 836-8430 � Howard County Domestic Violence Center (410) 997-2272 (800) 752-0191 � Spanish-Speaking Population Adelante Familia at House of Ruth Maryland* (410) 889-7884 |
Massachusetts � Casa Myrna Vazquez P.O. Box 120108 Boston, MA 02112 617-338-2350 800-992-2600 � Women's Resource Center 599 Canal St., Lorenzo Building, 5th floor Lawrence, MA 01840 800 400 4700 (Hotline) � Voices Against Violence 300 Howard St. Framingham, MA 01702 508 820 0834 508 626 8686 (Hotline) 800 593 1125 (hotline) � Abby's House 52 High St. Worcester, MA 01609 508 756 5486 (24 hrs) |
Michigan � SAFE Place P.O. Box 199 Battle Creek, MI 49016-0199 Crisis Line Primary: (269) 965-7233 Crisis Line Toll Free: (888) 664-9832 � LA VIDA 5635 W. Fort Street Detroit, MI 48209 Business Line Primary: (313) 849-3104 � SafeHouse Center P.O. Box 7052 Ann Arbor, MI 48107 Crisis Line Primary: (734) 995-5444 TTY Crisis Line: (734) 973-2227 � LACASA 2895 West Grand River Ave. Howell, MI 48843 24-hour Crisis Line: (866) 522-2725 |
Minnesota � St. Paul CedarBrook 651-603-8546 � Minneapolis Aurora Center for Advocacy 612-626-9111 � Casa de Esperanza 651-772-1611 � Domestic Abuse Project 612-673-3526 � Harriet Tubman Center 612-825-0000 � Same Sex DV Hotline 612-824-8434 |
Mississippi � Columbus Safe Haven Inc. 800-890-6040 662-327-6040 � Vicksburg Haven House Family Shelter 800-898-0860 601-638-0555 � Laurel Domestic Abuse Family Shelter 800-649-1092 |
Missouri � Springfield Family Violence Center dba Harmony House (417) 864-SAFE (7233) Hotline (800) 831-6863 Hotline (Toll-Free) (417) 837-7700 Shelter (417) 837-7700 Office � Joplin Family Self Help Center, Inc. dba Lafayette House (800) 416-1772 Hotline (Toll-Free) (417) 782-1772 Shelter (417) 782-1772 Office (417) 451-6106 Neosho Outreach � Kansas City Newhouse (816) 471-5800 Hotline (816) 471-5800 Shelter (816) 474-6446 Main Office � St Louis Kathy J. Weinman Shelter for Domestic Violence Victims and their Children (314) 423-1117 Hotline (314) 423-1117 Shelter |
Montana � Dawson County Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Program Office: (406) 377-6477 24-Hour Crisis Line: (406) 365-6074 � Red Lodge Domestic and Sexual Violence Services of Carbon County Office: (406) 446-2296 24-Hour Crisis Line : (406) 425-2222 � Havre District IV HRDC Domestic Abuse Program Office: (406) 265-6743 24-Hour Crisis Line: (406) 265-2222 � Dillon Women�s Resource Center Advocacy & Safe Home Program Office: (406) 683-6106 24-Hour Crisis Line: (406) 683-3621 � SAFE Office: (406) 363-2793 24-Hour Crisis Line: (406) 363-4600 |
Nebraska � Nebraska Spanish Helpline 1-877-215-0167- L�nea de Crisis � Lincoln Voices of Hope 402-475-7273 � Kearny Safe Center 877-237-2513 � Omaha Catholic Charities 402-558-5700 |
Nevada � Statewide Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-500-1556 � S.A.F.E. House Henderson, NV Hotline: 702-564-3227 � Committee to Aid Abused Women (CAAW) Reno, NV Hotline: 775-329-4150 � Tahoe Women�s Services Incline Village, NV Hotline: 1-800-736-1060 � Temporary Assistance to End Domestic Crisis (TADC) / SafeNest Las Vegas, NV Hotline: 702-646-4981 |
New Hampshire � RESPONSE to Sexual & Domestic Violence c/o Coos County Family Health Services 54 Willow Street Berlin, NH 03570 1-866-644-3574 (domestic violence)* 1-800-277-5570 (sexual assault) 603-752-5679 (Berlin office) 603-237-8746 (Colebrook office) 603-788-2562 (Lancaster office) � Starting Point: Services for Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence P.O. Box 1972 Conway, NH 03818 1-800-336-3795 (crisis line) 603-603-447-2494 (Conway office) 603-539-5506 (Ossipee Office) � Rape and Domestic Violence Crisis Center P.O. Box 1344 Concord, NH 03302-1344 1-866-644-3574 (domestic violence)* 1-800-277-5570 (sexual assault)* 603-225-7376 (office) � Bridges: Domestic & Sexual Violence Support P.O. Box 217 Nashua, NH 03061-0217 603-883-3044 (crisis line) 603-672-9833 (Milford office) 603-889-0858 (Nashua office) |
New Jersey � New Jersey State Domestic Violence Hotline 800-572-SAFE Linea Estatal de Violencia Domestica en New Jersey 800-572-7233 � Monmouth County 180 Turning Lives Around Inc. One Bethany Road, Bldg. 3, Suite 42, Hazlet, NJ 07730 Emergency Shelter 24-Hr. Hotline: (732) 264-4111 TTY: (732) 264-3089 Office: (732) 264-4360 � Passaic County PASSAIC COUNTY WOMEN'S CENTER Domestic Violence Program P.O. Box 244, Paterson, NJ 07513 Emergency Shelter24-Hr. Hotline:(973) 881-1450 TTY: 973) 278-8630 Office:(973) 881-1450 � Somerset County RESOURCE CENTER OF SOMERSET 427 Homestead Road, Hillsborough, NJ 08844 Emergency Shelter24-Hr. Hotline:1-866-685-1122 TTY :(908) 359-8604 Office :(908) 359-0003 |
New Mexico � Albuquerque Safe House 505-247-4219 � Las Cruses La casa 575-546-6593 � Roswell Roswell Refuge 575-624-3222 � San Juan ( Navajo Nation) Home for Women and Children 505-368-5124 � Santa Fe Esperanza Shelter 505-474-5536 |
New York � New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence-NYSCADV 350 New Scotland Avenue Albany New York, 12208 Phone: 518-482-5465 Fax: 518-482-3807 � Albany County Equinox Domestic Violence Services. (518) 432-7865 � Bronx County Safe Horizon-Willow House Shelter (800) 621-HOPE TTY (800) 810-7444 � Dutchess County Battered Women Services of Family Services Inc. 845-485-5550 � Kings County New Hope Emergency Shelter 800-621-HOPE � Nassau County Nassau County Coalition Against Domestic Violence (516) 542-0404 � Queens County Violence Intervention Program/Queens Companeras (800) 664-5880 TTY (800) 780-1660 � New York County Safe Horizon, Inc. (800) 621-HOPE � Orange County Safe Homes of Orange County (888) 503-HOPE � Richmond County Staten Island Community Program 800-621-HOPE |
North Carolina � Kiran 1012 Oberlin Rd. Raleigh, NC 27605 877-NCKIRAN � ASHE COUNTY Ashe County Partnership for Children A Safe Home for Everyone (A.S.H.E.) 626 Ashe Central School Rd., Unit 1 Jefferson, NC 28640 Main: (336) 982-4588 A.S.H.E.: (336) 982-8851 Crisis: (336) 246-5430 � MECKLENBURG COUNTY UFS - The Shelter for Battered Women 601 East Fifth Street, Suite 400 Charlotte, NC 28202 Phone: (704) 367-2733 Crisis: (704)332-2513 � Interlace 34 Wall St. Ste. 607 Asheville, NC 28801 Office: (828) 252-1155 � ONSLOW COUNTY Onslow Women's Center* PO Box 1622 Jacksonville, NC 28541 Office: (910) 347-4000 Crisis: (910) 347-4000 |
North Dakota � DICKINSON - Domestic Violence & Rape Crisis Center (701) 225-4506 Crisis Line: (701) 225-4506 Toll Free 1-888-225-4506 � FARGO - Rape & Abuse Crisis Center (701) 293-7273 Crisis Line: (701) 293-727 � MINOT - Domestic Violence Crisis Center (701) 852-2258 Crisis Line: (701) 857-2200 Toll Free: 1-800-398-1098 |
Ohio � Ashland Rape Crisis Domestic Violence Safe Haven 419-289-8085 � Cuyahoga The Domestic Violence Center 216-391-4357 � Hamilton YWCA Battered Women's Shelter Rape Crisis & Abuse Center of Hamilton County 800-872-9259 � Huron The Domestic Violence Shelter 800-931-7233 � Medina Battered Women�s Shelter of Summit & Medina Counties 877-414-1344 � Summit Battered Women�s Shelter of Summit & Medina Counties 888-395-4357 |
Oklahoma � Oklahoma Coalition Against Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault 405-524-0700 � Seminole Nation Domestic Violence 405-382-3762 � Tulsa Domestic Violence Intervention Services/Call Rape 918-585-3163 Crisis: 918-585-3143 Sapulpa: 918-224-9290 � Shawnee Project Safe 800-821-9953 � Stillwater Stillwater Domestic Violence Services 800-624-3020 � Tahlequah Help In Crisis 800-300-5321 � Woodward NW Domestic Crisis Service 888-256-1215 |
Oregon � Columbia County Women's Resource Center The Starting Place Shelter Business phone: 503-397-7110 Crisis line: 503-397-6161 or 866-397-6161 � Lane County Sexual Assault Support Services (SASS) Business phone: 541-484-9791 Crisis line: 541-343-SASS (7277) or 800-788-4727 � Lincoln County My Sister's Place Business phone: 541-574-9424 Crisis line: 541-994-5959 � Domestic Violence Resource Center Business line: 503-640-5352 Crisis line: 503-469-8620 or 866-469-8600 � El Programa Hispano- Project UNICA Business phone: 503-699-8350 (Gresham), 503-236-9670 (Portland) Crisis line: 503-232-4448 or 888-232-4448 |
Pennsylvania � Bedford Your Safe Haven Phone: (814) 623-7664 Hotline: (800) 555-5671 � Chester Domestic Violence Center of Chester County Phone: (610) 431-1430 Hotline: (888) 711-6270 � Lancaster Domestic Violence Services of Lancaster County Phone: (717) 299-1249 � Potter A Way Out Phone: (877) 334-3136 Hotline: (814) 274-0240 |
Rhode Island � Domestic Violence Resource Center of South County (401) 782-3990 or 1-866-782-3990 61 Main Street Wakefield, RI 02879 � Sojourner House (401) 658-4334 Providence Hotline (401) 765-3232 Northern RI Hotline (401) 861-6191 Main Office 386 Smith Street Providence, RI 02908 � Women's Resource Center 401-846-5263 � (Business & Hotline) 866-236-2474 � (Shelter) |
South Carolina � CASA/Family Systems 803-534-2448 Hotline: 800-298-7228 � Greenville Rape Crisis & Child Abuse Center 864-331-0560 Hotline: 864-467-3633 � Safe Harbour 864-467-1177 Hotline: 1-800-291-2139 � Sister Care 803-926-0505 Hotline: 1-800-637-7606 |
South Dakota � Rapid City Sacred Circle National Resource Center 877-Red-Road � Sioux Falls Mita Maske 877-977-2130 � Sturgis Crisis Intervention Services 800-755-8432 |
Tennessee � Alcoa Haven House Domestic Violence Shelter (865) 982-1087 � Chattanooga Partnership for Families, Children and Adults (423) 755-2700 � Knoxville Serenity Shelter (865) 971-4673 � Memphis CAAP Inc. Domestic Violence Program (901) 272-2221 � Nashville Ujima House (615) 823-3335 � Oneida Scott County Women's Shelter (423) 569-3333 |
Texas � Arlington SafeHaven of Tarrant County (817) 535-6462 Hotline : (877) 701-7233 � Austin SafePlace (512) 267-7233 Hotline : (512) 267-SAFE � Corpus Christi Women's Shelter of Corpus Christi (361) 884-2900 Hotline :(361) 881-8888 � Dallas The Family Place (FP) (214) 559-2170 Hotline : (214) 941-1991 � El Paso El Paso Center of Family Violence, Inc. (915) 593-1000 Hotline :(915) 593-7300 � Fort Worth SafeHaven of Tarrant County (817) 535-6462 Hotline :(877) 701-4233 � Galveston Women's Resource & Crisis Center (409) 763-1441 Hotline :(409) 765-7233 � Houston Houston Area Women's Center (713) 528-6798 Hotline :(713) 528-2121 � Lubbock Women's Protective Services of Lubbock (806) 748-5292 Hotline :(806) 747-6491 � San Antonio Family Violence Prevention Services (210) 930-3669 Hotmail : (210) 733-8810 � Waco Family Abuse Center (254) 772-8999 Hotmail :(254) 772-8999 |
Utah � State wide : 800-897-LINK (5465) � Cedar City Canyon Creek Women�s Crisis Center Main: (435) 867-9411 Crisis: (435) 865-7443 � Park City Peace House Main/24hr: (435) 647-9161 � Salt Lake City YWCA Women in Jeopardy Main/24hr: (801) 537-8600 � Moab Seekhaven Main/24hr: (435) 259-2229 Crisis: 1-888-421-1100 |
Vermont � Statewide Hotlines: Domestic Violence Hotline 800-228-7395 Sexual Violence Hotline 800-489-7273 � Women�s Crisis Center Hotline: (802) 254-6954 Or 800-773-0689 � Rutland County Women�s Network & Shelter Hotline: (802) 775-3232 � Women Helping Battered Women (WHBW) Hotline/TTY: (802) 658-1996 Or 1-800-228-7395 � Women�s Rape Crisis Center (WRCC) Hotline: (802) 863-1236 TTY: (802) 846-2544 � WomenSafe Hotline: (802) 388-4205 Or 800-388-4205 |
Virginia � Hanover Safe Place Hotline: 804/752-2702 Office: 804/752-2728 � Abuse Alternatives Hotline: 800/987-6499 Office: 423/652-9093 � Harmony Place Hotline: 540/635-9062 Office: 540/635-9194 � The Laurel Center Intervention for Domestic & Sexual Violence Hotline: 540/667-6466 Office: 540/667-6160 |
Washington � Washington State Domestic Violence Hotline 800-562-6025 � YWCA Clark County/Safe Choice Vancouver, WA Office: (360) 696-0167 Crisis Line: (800) 695-0167 � DV Services of Benton & Franklin Counties Kennewick, WA Office: (509) 735-1295 Crisis Line: (800) 648-1277 � Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Program of Jefferson County Office: (360) 385-5291 Crisis Line: (360) 385-5291 � Consejo Counseling & Referral Seattle, WA Office: (206) 461-4880 � Asian & Pacific Islander Women & Family Safety Center Seattle, WA Office: (206) 467-9976 � Salvation Army Domestic Violence Program Seattle, WA Office: (206) 442-8397 � Family Renewal Shelter Tacoma, WA Office & 24-hour hotline: (253) 475-9010 � YWCA - Alternatives to Domestic Violence Spokane, WA Office: (509) 326-1190 Crisis Line: (509) 326-2255 |
West Virginia � Women�s Aid in Crisis (304) 636-8433 � Tug Valley Recovery Shelter (304) 235-6121 � Rape and Domestic Violence Information Center (304) 292-5100 � Family Crisis Center (304) 788-6061 |
Wisconsin � American Indian Task Force on Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault & Vulnerable Populations, Inc. Milwaukee, Wisconsin 414-690-5254 crisis 414-690-5254 business � Association for the Prevention of Family Violence (APFV)Elkhorn, Wisconsin 262-723-4653 crisis 262-723-4653 business 262-723-8367 TTY � AVAIL, Inc. (Advocates for Victims of domestic and sexual Abuse In Langlade Co.)Antigo, Wisconsin 715-623-5767 crisis 715.623.5177 business � Beloit Domestic Violence Center, a program of Family Services of S. WI & N. IL Inc.Beloit, Wisconsin 608-365-1119 crisis 866-723-3018 (866-safe-018) toll-free � Center Against Sexual & Domestic Abuse, Inc. (CASDA)Superior, Wisconsin 800-649-2921 toll-free � Domestic Violence Escape (DOVE), Inc.Ironwood, Michigan 906-932-0310 crisis 800-711-6744 toll-free 906-932-4990 business � People Against Domestic and Sexual Abuse ( PADA)Jefferson, Wisconsin 920-674-6768 crisis 800-228-7232 toll-free 1. business � Safe Harbor Sheboygan, Wisconsin) 920-452-7640 crisis 800-499-7640 toll-free 920-452-8611 business |
Wyoming � Wyoming Coalition Against Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault 307-235-2814 � Johnson County Family Crisis Center Business #: 307-684-2233 Toll Free: (800)257-0911 � Safe House/Sexual Assault Services, Inc. Business #: 307-634-8655 Hotline/Crisis: 307-637-7233 � Hot Springs Crisis Line Office Against Family Violence & Sexual Assault Business #: 307-864-2131 Hotline/Crisis: 307-864-2131 |
Puerto Rico � National Domestic Violence Hotline Website Comision Para Los Asuntos De La Mujer Box 11382, Fernandez Juancus Station Santurce, Puerto Rico 00910 787-722-2907 � Caguas Albergue Los Peregrinos (787)258-5162 � Utuado Casa Bets�n (787)894-7959 � Guaynabo Hogar de Ayuda El Refugio (787)792-1117 � Cayey Hogar Nueva Mujer Santa Mar�a de la Merced (787)263-6473 � Vega Alta Hogar Ruth (787)883-1884 � Casa Protegida Julia de Burgos San Juan (787) 723-3500 �gida La Providencia Lo�za (787) 876-3595 Hogar de Ancianos San Vicente de Pa�l Vega Baja (787) 855-0487 La Republica Dominicana � Fundaci�n Familia Sana M Acosta 2, Bonao (809) 559-5072 |
Organized by Queen Daniel
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“We are lions with our own unique language. To the untrained ear, our words are heard as simple roars. However, to those who stand in the light of the Almighty Father, our roars are heard and understood as expressions of brotherly and sisterly love, honor, obedience, sacrifice, and righteousness; as well as growls of respect, honesty, unity, knowledge, and love.”
Six years and still roaring!