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El Grito
de Los Reyes
Jewels by King Mission
Biography | Brother | Evolution is Long Overdue |
Evolution is Long Overdue Volume 2 | Treatment of our Queens | Conspiring Against King's Love |
Thank You... | Despiertan!!! | Wake Up!!! |
Treatment of our Queens
Written by King Mission
For years I have debated with my siblings on the place that Queens hold in our precious Nation. I have argued that even in this debate, a King's opinion is limited to his feelings and thoughts... There is NOTHING that we as men know 100%, because we are not in the brains and hearts of women. Without even looking, it is obvious to see that a Queen brings balance to the Kingdom. She is the complimenting half of the royal equation. Without her... Royalty is not complete. Now of course the same goes for the presence of the King, but again, TOGETHER they bring balance.
Perhaps our often disregard for our Queens, has led to our imbalanced state. We pride ourselves on the thought that we are as golden as the sun is bright, but often find comfort in throwing our crowns in the darkest of corners. What does King's Love truly mean when we can not sincerely extend it to our Queens, but have no difficulty "throwing" it around as we scream and mock our enemies? Remember, my brothers and sisters, it is King's Love that we are expressing when we manipulate our limbs to resemble to blessed crown.
The Almighty has blessed me with the opportunity of serving our Nation in many different ways. Two of those opportunities came in the form of creating two chapters (one in Havana, Cuba and the other in Arizona), and I assure you that the FIRST task I worked to complete, was the coronation of a Queen. Now I have heard many say that a King can not Crown a Queen. I ask you, my beautiful Black and Gold family, does that make sense? What if the chapter had been created by a Queen; could she only crown Queens? Are we to believe that our logic and judgment supersedes that of the Almighty and His plans for us can and will only go as far as our minds will allow them?
The question has been raised as to where in the lessons it says that a King may disrespect a Queen. The answer is NOWHERE. Under no circumstances should one disrespect the other. Gender should not even be considered in this matter. Remember family, the lessons are arrows that guide us. They are not and will not, ever be divine directives that dictate every breath we take. Times change and people evolve... we must change and evolve along with it. Our history should always be honored as such, but we need to wake up and realize that history can't lead us... it can only guide us as we make new history.
For those of us who have found ourselves behind the wall... how many times did we stop to truly appreciate the fact that a Queen (maybe not necessarily in the Nation, but a female none the less and so royalty in that regard) fueled our spirits and aided in our survival? For those who did appreciate, I ask if the appreciation extended beyond the bid? Did you continue to acknowledge that female's royalty once your days were filled with the street and not the cell?
Family, I ask that we seize from simply talking about our evolution and actually move in a positive direction and evolve. Understand that the problems facing the ALKQN are not unique to our Nation... these problems are ailed by the community as a whole. However, that is not an excuse for us to continue falling victim to them. We must honor and respect each other so that Love can truly exist... KING'S AND QUEEN'S LOVE!!! Love in a real and tangible sense. The kind you feel regardless of where you are. We should not have to "log on" just to be reminded that someone loves us.
I close asking the Almighty to carry our message to the world, while opening our minds so that we may truly be receptive to it.
Amor De Rey y Amor De Corona!!
King Mission
Ocha Tribe 2nd Division
[email protected]