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“…we have no enemies…(only) confused brothers and sisters who have not found the light.”

Amor De Rey, my brothers and sisters. I hope you all find yourself in good health when you
read this.

I am here to ask all of you to please try and help out as much as you can around your community, and reach out to the youth. The reason I am asking this, is because I see a lot of kids out there who have there own idea of what the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation is, and it’s all wrong.

As Kings and Queens, it is our duty to bring these kids in to the light, and show them what we are really about. Half these kids out there, that have so called "Beef" with our nation, feel like this toward us because they don’t know what we are really about. If we just take the time to talk to them you will see a difference. And it doesn't matter what group they belong to; Crips, Folk, Blood, ect.,
we are all human. We are all God’s children; we are all one race… "The human race!!"

The more we ignore them, the more they will never understand the struggle; OUR struggle.

America is trying to split us up by tribalism. Black, Hispanic, Asian, ect.. Putting us in different places and sections so we won’t have the chance to get to know each other and learn from each other.

We must all be one big nation… one big wave, and attack the real oppressor. Only by understanding each other’s cultures, and learning from one another will we see a change. We cannot make a change on our own; we must do it together, as a NATION!!! All united under one sun. This is what are nation is about. To relieve the pain that are people are going through, and to educate them on the truth.

What is the truth? GOD!!! Find Him, and have faith in Him and He shall lead you to the light, for He is the foundation of our nation... A Latin King/Queen should always be looking for a way to uplift our
people, through education, writing, reading, ect. And by our people I mean everyone; we shall show no discrimination towards anyone, we are all equal and we have no enemies. Instead we call them confused brothers and sisters who have not found the light, and yes we will try our best to lead them to that light… If they refuse they will soon find it!!!

So I ask you my brothers and sisters, for all of us to come together despite our differences in race, religion, and color. I tell you this is the only way we will defeat our oppressors...

I want to say thank you to my Father for giving me a mind of my own. I want to thank Him for giving me the gift of knowledge. I want to thank him for giving me life… I will never take that for granted. Even though I do not speak to Him as much as I want to, I know he is looking down on all my family. I want to thank Him for the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation, the Zulu Nation, the Nation of Islam, and all those Nations/Political organizations that He dropped down here to make that difference.

He is the most important guide we all have. What Father of mine is this, you might be asking? It’s my Father, your Father, our Father…. The Almighty Father!! That’s why I always say we are equal. We are all human. We are all His children. We are all one race under one sun, and until we all realize that, we won’t be able to get anywhere.

It is our duty to bring those who are blind into the light.

Let me end this by thanking Him for giving us our strongest weapon that many of our people forget to use, or simply forget how strong it is; I am talking about the power of words. Use it wisely.

As for wisdom, I say to you… love her, treasure her, and embrace her. Life may end, but she never will. She lives through all of us, and we all have her. It is just a matter of finding her.

Remember, keep that faith because that is all we have to show our love for our Father. Faith lives within us, just like he does. That is what keeps Him inside of us. Do not destroy His temple which is your body, by engaging in abusive behavior. Keep His house clean!!

Amor De Rey, mi familia! May God be with you all.

King Righteous
Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation
[email protected]

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