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“…the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation is not chaos, but rather an entity of divine essence”

Amor De Rey my brothers and sisters. I come to you with my right fist upon my heart as I make the sign of Kings Love! May the blessings of the Almighty Father bestow itself upon you all.

My brothers and sisters, it is time for the youth of tomorrow to be shown the true ways of living life! We must begin to become individual souls that collaborate as one to form the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation. We must stop depending on one another to lead the other or show the other the wrong they do. When are we going to realize that in order for us to elevate to the next level of our evolution we must first establish who we are and where we are going?

It saddens me to know that my fellow brothers and sisters cannot represent themselves without the need of a Inca or structure. Don’t get me wrong my brothers and sisters, as the book “The Lord of the Flies” clearly demonstrates, chaos without control is nothing but utter disaster yielding no end in sight; we do need leaders. However, I believe that the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation is not chaos, but rather an entity of divine essence. So why do we NEED leaders? I feel that it should not be a NEED but rather a WANT. We must WANT to choose a leader that shall enable us to bring to surface the trueness we each possess.

Our youth are being brought up in a society where there is such interdependence on one another to survive. Where’s the true survival instinct of mankind? Where is the will to want the greater good for self? Philosophers have always argued about the role of an individual in society and I believe Niche said it best when he stated that man must do what is morally right for himself so that he may live a happy life and in turn increase the overall happiness within society, for happy people combined equals a happy society. Now I know this is not completely accurate, however it provides for the basis of our individuality and that of our youth. My brothers and sisters, take hold of your life today and seek that which defines you best. Stop worrying about failure, for in order to achieve greatness we must first fail greatly!

I am a perfect example of that philosophy. I was a brother who attended a great academic high school in New York City and was accepted to CUNY Hunter College where I maintained a 3.33 GPA for my 1st academic year. However, great tragedy hit and I went from an exemplary student to a drop out who had no where to turn. So I failed greatly and then found the wisdom and the strength to achieve for greatness. It was thru the guidance of brothers like Mission, and those around me that I was able to uplift myself and be where I am at today. I am a successful soldier in the United States Army doing my bid to fight for the basic principles of freedom. Now while not many feel being a soldier is the right thing at this time, it is not my profession that is the success, but rather the mere fact that when the chips were down, I was able to lift myself up and strive for greatness in all that I do. All I hope and pray my brothers and sisters is that I may be used as an example of how one person who takes grasp of their OWN life can truly change his destiny and achieve happiness and success. No man should allow another to dictate his life!

My young brothers and sisters, now is your chance to grab hold of your own destiny and seek excellence in all you do! Find your true self and go head strong towards your destiny, GREATNESS! Stop relying on mom, dad, brother, sister, friend, boss, etc. What would you do if NONE of those were around? You’d have to find a way, so pretend it is as such and find a way to become an INDIVIDUAL who combined with other great individual can form a STRONGER and WISER Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation!

I close this with the same love as I opened my brothers and sisters. May the blessing of the ancients and the wisdom of the ages be your guiding force so that you may always strive for excellence!

Amor De Rey y Amor De Corona!!

King Nel
[email protected]

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