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“Doesn’t our literature under the codes of kingism state to love and respect our children, to protect them with our lives for they are the leaders of tomorrow?”

Amor De Rey Y Amor De Corona! I hope that on the arrival of this message all is well with you and all that is yours. For my fellow people within the 360 and on the outside as well. I feel as a fellow Latino and as a fellow King I should apologize on behalf of both of my people for the actions that took place on our day of celebration on Sunday, June 12, 2005 at the Puerto Rican parade in New York. While many of you are out there at home congratulating each other on “holding it down” and being proud for making the front page of the New York Daily News. It’s a shame that the article couldn’t have been positive instead of what it is today, “Parade marred by knifing.” I ask what was the whole purpose of linking arms and going at the cops, when they are trying to separate a group that does not even have permission to march in the parade. Our people do shit like that and then have the nerve to ask on why the media portrays us as gang members. Have you noticed that in the entire article not once were kings referred to as community activists, an organization, or even as a nation they were referred twice as gang members?

I apologize for sounding like an old white lady, “but would somebody please think of the children.” Doesn’t our literature under the codes of Kingism state to love and respect our children, to protect them with our lives for they are the leaders of tomorrow? Did anyone stop to think what could happen to the kids if a fight broke out, or if shots were fired and hit a fellow Latino, who was just there looking to have a good time on celebrating their heritage, or even worse a shot could have hit a kid. Is that something that even ran through the heads of those members? Many have dropped jewels stating that we have to be the example to our children, I’m sorry but please don’t be one to mine. If you want to get yourself, along with 149 other members arrested while holding several knives and a gun. I mean is this the example that we want to set for our children?

I’m not here to bark on anyone, especially on my own brothers and sisters, because I knew that more people were involved as well it was not just kings. I just believe that the situation could have been handled differently. That it was an open opportunity to show the media and the community the true meaning of being a king. That we are one for our people and for our culture. Instead we showed what it looks like to be stuck in the primitive stage of Kingism. After all is said and done I still hold my head and my crown up high and wish a big Kings and Queens love to the truest black and gold family. It is up to you to decide if you fall within that category. Amor!

“Although we are challenged with the trials and tribulations of our everyday life, it is up to us to seek the key that will open the doors to 360 degrees of enlightenment; and help us live by our five points of love, honor, obedience, sacrifice, and righteousness.”

Amor De Rey
King Styles
[email protected]

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