It is imperative in the time that we live in, that we have access to the capital needed to maintain and develop our Kingdom�s. In understanding this, we understand the need to not only have a job, but to have a career. The tools that we, as a community, need to have in order to solidify a career may often seem out of reach. However, the Almighty Father has allowed his light to shine on us as his children, and as such we are warmed by limitless resources.
Have you ever needed help with your resume?
Have you ever needed to provide a professional reference but felt as if you did not have any?
Have you ever needed a letter of recommendation?
WWW.ALKQN.ORG, the official and only authorized website of the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation is proud to offer [email protected] as a tool for Kings and Queens all over the world to connect and assist each other as they search for employment.
We must add professional existence to our arsenal against the forces that seek to deny us.
Amor de Rey!
Amor de Reina!
Amor de Corona!
[email protected]
Es imprescindible en el tiempo que vivimos en, que tenemos acceso al trabajo que necesitamos para mantener y desarrollar nuestro Reino. En la comprensi�n de esto, nosotros entendemos que la necesidad no es s�lo tener un trabajo, pero para tener una carrera. Los instrumentos que nosotros, como una comunidad, necesita tener para solidificarse una carrera puede parecer fuera de alcance. Sin embargo, el Padre Todopoderoso ha permitido su luz para brillar en nosotros como sus ni�os, y como tal tenemos recursos ilimitados.
�Ha necesitado jam�s usted ayuda con su resume? �Ha necesitado jam�s usted proporcionar una referencia profesional pero no tenia nadie que te lo podria dar? �Ha necesitado jam�s usted una carta de recomendaci�n?
WWW.ALKQN.ORG, el unico sitio web official y autorizado de la Naci�n Todopoderosa de Reyes y Reinas Latino est�n orgullosos ofrecer [email protected] como un instrumento para Reyes y Reinas para conectar por todo el mundo y para ayudar uno al otro cuando ellos buscan empleo.
Debemos agregar la existencia profesional a nuestro arsenal contra las fuerzas que nos procuran negar.
Amor de Rey!
Amor de Reina!
Amor de Corona!
[email protected]
Education is one the most powerful tools we have. It is a priceless weapon against the forces that seek to deny us, and once obtained, it can not be taken away by anyone.
As Kings and Queens, we need education to create and enjoy a successful reign. As brothers and sisters, we must do all we can to ensure that resources are made available to each other. Neither a negative reputation, nor a biased community can prohibit us from receiving the formal education that is needed to combat oppressors all over the world.
Have you ever been afraid to complete a financial aid form?
Have you ever needed support to complete an assignment?
Have you ever wanted information on colleges but felt that no one was there
to help you?
Do you have at least 30 college credits and are interested in completing your Bachelor�s Degree in Business Administration on-line?
WWW.ALKQN.ORG, the official and only authorized website of the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation, is proud to offer [email protected] as a tool for Kings and Queens all over the world to obtain information on continuing their formal education.
�An illiterate King is a weak King, and a weak King has no place in a strong Nation!!�
Amor de Rey!
Amor de Reina!
Amor de Corona!
[email protected]
La educaci�n es uno de los instrumentos m�s poderosos que nosotros tenemos. Es un arma inapreciable contra las fuerzas que nos procuran negar, y una vez que obtenido, no puede ser llevado por nadie.
Como Reyes y Reinas, nosotros necesitamos la educaci�n para crear y gozar un reinado exitoso. Como hermanos y hermanas, nosotros debemos hacer todo que podemos para asegurar que los recursos sean hechos disponible uno al otro. Ninguna reputaci�n negativa, ni la comunidad influenciada nos pueden prohibir de recibir la formaci�n acad�mica que es necesitada para combatir opresores por todo el mundo.
�Tenido miedo jam�s usted completar una forma financiera de escuela? �Ha necesitado jam�s usted apoyo para completar una tarea? �Ha querido jam�s usted informaci�n en colegios y universidades pero sent�a que nadie estuvo all� para ayudarle?
�Tiene usted por lo menos 30 cr�ditos colegiales y es interesada a completar su Licenciatura en la administraci�n de empresas en el internet?
WWW.ALKQN.ORG, el unico sitio web oficial y autorizado de la Naci�n Todopoderosa de Reyes y Reinas Latino, est�n orgulloso ofrecer [email protected] como un instrumento para Reyes y Reinas por todo el mundo, para obtener informaci�n a continuar su formaci�n acad�mica.
"Un Rey analfabeto es un Rey d�bil, y un Rey d�bil no tienen lugar en una Naci�n fuerte!"
Amor de Rey!
Amor de Reina!
Amor de Corona!
[email protected]
As we deal with the trails and tribulations of the world, we often forget that our righteous family is by our side in both the good and bad situations. Our willingness to die for each other is made royal by our willingness to live for each other.
Our literature guides us on the path laid before us by the Almighty Father King of Kings, however, it is our personal relationships that bind us together as the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation.
WWW.ALKQN.ORG, the official and only authorized website of our precious Nation, is proud to offer [email protected] as a tool for Kings and Queens all over the world to reach out and obtain an embrace of support and understanding from their brothers and sisters. A dedicated group of Kings and Queens who live their love for our Nation are available to offer support, counseling, and guidance to their beloved and royal siblings. All information will be maintained in a private format and will not be shared with others.
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the politics of the Nation?
Have you ever felt that the sacrifices you have made for the Nation have become unbearable?
Does it seem like your personal life is suffering because of the Nation?
[email protected] welcomes you to share your feelings and personal stories in a way that is free of judgment and consequence.
We are lions with our own unique language. To the untrained ear, our words are heard as simple roars. However, to those who stand in the light of the Almighty Father, our roars are heard and understood as expressions of brotherly and sisterly love, honor, obedience, sacrifice, and righteousness; as well as growls of respect, honesty, unity, knowledge, and love.
Amor de Rey!
Amor de Reina!
Amor de Corona!
[email protected]
Cuando tratamos con los rastros y tribulaciones del mundo, nosotros a menudo nos olvidamos que nuestra familia justa est� por nuestro lado en las situaciones buenas y malas. Nuestro consentimiento para morir uno por el otro se hace real por nuestro consentimiento para vivir uno por el otro.
Nuestra literatura nos indica en el sendero colocado antes de nosotros por el Padre Todopoderoso Rey de Reyes, sin embargo, es nuestras relaciones personales que nos atan juntos como la Naci�n Todopoderosa de Reyes y Reinas Latino.
WWW.ALKQN.ORG, el oficial y unico pagina web autorizado de nuestra Naci�n preciosa, est�n orgulloso ofrecer [email protected] como un instrumento para Reyes y Reinas para alcanzar por todo el mundo y obtener un abrazo de apoyo y entendiendo de sus hermanos y hermanas. Un grupo dedicado de Reyes y Reinas que viven su amor para nuestra Naci�n est� disponibles ofreciendo apoyo, aconsejar, y la gu�a a sus hermanos y hermanas. Toda informaci�n se mantendr� en un formato privado y no ser� compartida con otros.
�Le tiene sent�a jam�s agobiado por el politica de la Naci�n? �Le tiene sent�a jam�s que los sacrificios usted ha hecho por la Naci�n ha llegado a ser intolerable? �Parece su vida personal sufre a causa de la Naci�n?
[email protected] le da la bienvenida para compartir sus sentimientos y cuentos personales de una manera que es libre del juicio y la consecuencia.
Somos leones con nuestro propio idioma extraordinario. A la oreja no capacitada, nuestras palabras se oyen como simple rugidos. Sin embargo, a los que existen en la luz del Padre Todopoderoso, nuestros rugidos se oyen y son entendidos como expresiones del amor, del honor, de la obediencia, del sacrificio, y de rectitud; as� como los gru�idos del respeto, de la honradez, de la unidad, del conocimiento, y del amor.
Amor de Rey!
Amor de Reina!
Amor de Corona!
[email protected]
P.O. Box 37095
Phoenix, Arizona 85069-7095
I pray that when you read these words you and all in your Kingdom are in the best of health and spirit. It is with great excitement that I introduce you to Ministry Ashe.
Started in Phoenix, Arizona in 2006 by Reverend William Q. Ross, Ministry Ashe is committed to preserving and performing ceremonies of all world religions including Santeria and Ifa, with Respect, Sincerity, Traditions, and Affordability. Ceremonies, presentations, forums, group discussions, counseling, and spiritual guidance sessions are available for scheduling on a nationwide level.
Ceremonies can be tailored to meet the spiritual needs and desires of individuals and/or families. This includes the incorporation of language, actions, traditions, of organizations that the individual and/or family belong to.
Peace, Blessings, and Ashe,
Rev. William Q. Ross
[email protected]
El Grito De Los Reyes is a publication for and by the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation. Material from brothers and sisters is not only strongly encouraged and welcomed�..but expected and longed for. The words of royalty that come from the mouths of true Kings and Queens should be heard throughout the land as clear and as strong as the roar of the lion is heard in the jungle.
El Grito De Los es Reyes una publicaci�n para y por la Naci�n Todopoderosa de Reyes y Reinas Latino. Materia de hermanos y hermanas no s�lo es alentada totalmente y es dada la bienvenida�..pero tambien nosotros tambi�n largo para ellos y los desea.. Las palabras de la realeza que viene de las bocas de Reyes y Reinas verdaderos deben ser o�das a trav�s de la tierra clara y tan fuerte como el rugido del le�n es o�do en la selva.