O ur Beautiful Latin Queens should be appreciated because whether Brothers want to believe it or not they are the Foundation of our beloved Nation, they are the ones that maintain the balance that we need.

I've seen for too long Brothers mistreating Sisters and Sisters just staying quiet about it. This is the time for the Sisters to stand up and say "I'm not taking this anymore".

Brothers you really need to acknowledge our Beautiful Sisters, they have been by our side through the good and the bad, and have supported us even when our decisions weren't the greatest. Is it really hard to salute your Sister and give her a kiss on the cheek and tell her "thank you for everything you have done for us and our Nation" I don't think that those few words are hard to say...

I understand that there are very few Sisters that walk with dignity, selfrespect and self-pride, but that doesn't mean that we need to condemn all our Sisters, because we do have real good Sisters that do walk with their heads held high, with the Black & Gold just radiating from their bodies. We need to acknowledge those good Sisters and give them the respect and love that they so deserve.

So Brothers once in a while take the time out to show our Sisters how much we appreciate them, make them feel special because that's what they are... They're the ones that go through the pains of labor so they can bring to this world a future King or Queen, so isn't that enough for us to realize how special our sisters really are? Well I think so and for that I raise my Crown High to all our beautiful Sisters and say Amor De Rey!!

With all this said always remember that our sisters are very important to our Nation... Sisters we appreciate you and love you and never forget that!

I close with my right fist upon my heart and extending my Crown to all The true Kings and Queens of our Nation!

Amor de Rey y Corona
King Machete
[email protected]

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