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I want to be a lost poem in a stranger's coat pocket that conveys the
importance of you,
To assure you of my desire,
To assure you of my dreams.
I want all the possibilities of you in writing.
I want to give you your reflection.
I want your eyes on me.
I want everything before you to follow us
And leave a trail behind us.
I want never to say good-bye to you,
Even on the street corner nor phone.
I want. . . . . . I want so much
I'm breathless.
I want to bring my power in a poem to burn a hole in your pocket,
So then I could sew it.
I want you to be distant and feel you close.
I want endless days when its day,
And nighttime never to end when its night.
I want all seasons in one day.
I want the sun to set before us,
And come up in front of us.
I want to think you're thoughts,
Because they're mine.
I want only what's urging you.
I want to get in the way of your barriers.
I want you to be tender like you do already.
I want to say we meet for a reason,
And I want that reason to be bigger then us,
And I want it to take over us,
I want to forget,
I want to remember us.
I want your smile always,
And your grimace's too.
I want your scare on my lips,
I want your disappointments in my heart,
I want your strengths in my soul,
And your soul in my eyes.
I want to believe everything you say,
And I do.
I want you to tell me what's best,
When I don't know.
When your lost,
I want to find you and drag you from the darkness.
Amor de Rey!! Amor de Corona!!
King Nel
[email protected]

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