Amor De Corona, mi familia. I hope and pray that all of you and your familias are doing well and are safe in the bosoms of our King of Kings. I've been taking care of some personal goals that I have set aside and accomplished them. Thanks to the King of Kings for that and some very good manitos and manitas for their support. To my bros and sisters in the Chi, Az, Tx, Nyc, Queens, Bk, Bx, Cali, Fl, and countless other cities, states and countries, I send my love and respect.
Now that I have greeted you let me get to the point of this scribe. Of course it has to do with the way we carry ourselves as Kings and Queens. One of the lessons is the way we treat our brothers and sisters, admit it fam, some of us are in the Nacion for the wrong reasons. We think about self and the hell with everyone else.
We forget of the sacrifices that we made and are still being made by bros and sisters that want our Nacion to grow on the positive level and not stay in the shadows of unrighteousness. Why do you turn your back on your bro or sis just because we do not agree with them? Have you taken the time to speak on the way you feel about that? Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship of brother/sisterhood. Some may think that being a King or Queen means throwing up my Crown and that is that.
Well to me you are a damn nuisance to the Nacion because you will not help us evolve. Yes, maybe you are a great fighter or motivator, but can you set aside your personal feelings toward a bro or sis and help them? Hell no, some of you can't or won't. So YOU are tearing our Nacion apart. The Nacion is losing some of the bricks of Unity due to your judgment and actions. The decline of Righteousness of the ALKQN is due to some of our actions. Yet we call ourselves Kings and Queens, let it be known that bros and sisters still love you even though you act as such. Remember, a bro or sis will only take so much from you before you are considered a betrayer to our Nacion and the Righteous cause that it was founded on. So ask yourself; how may I help those that need it? I ask myself that all the time. For our younger bros and sisters, sometimes we have to keep our mouths shut and listen. For our older bros and sisters, look, listen and learn. Teach our younger generation the correct way to do things. Share our knowledge with them, tell them to stay in school or get a job. Some of you may not like what I have written here, but deal with it. At least you got bros and sisters who will tell you like it is, because we love the ALKQN and do not fear man. DO THE RIGHT THING, it will aid in the fight. I leave you with a couple of quotes.
- 1. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely.
- 2. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
- 3. Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; and responsibility for all your actions.
- 4. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
- 5. Uplift our Nacion.
Amor de Corona
King Frenchy
[email protected]
Motherland, Chi-town