Conspiring Against King's Love
Amor de Rey y Amor de Corona, Familia. As always and forever, I hope that when you read these words you and all in your Kingdoms are in the best of health and spirit. As for me and mine, we continue to draw from the Brown Force of our Ancestors as well as the guidance of the Orichas to keep our heads up.
Family, I come to you concerned about an issue that has plagued our Nation almost from day one; but with the luxuries of modern technology, has come to plague our Nation today in ways that should be truly unimaginable.
The issue I am speaking of is the one that presents itself when brothers and sisters of our precious Nation use the terms: �Brother�, �Sister�, �Nation�, �Amor de Rey�, and �Amor de Corona�, as empty sayings to mask their hypocrisy, jealousy, and desire to conspire against their own for their own personal selfish gains. Perhaps I should define what I consider to be �conspiring against�, as it is probably the most �sensitive� of the allegations that I am making above�
How many of us know of that �secret meeting� that was supposed to take place between half of the tribe? How many of us have heard that brother/sister who has all the answers for how things should be done, but still can�t follow them himself/herself refer to other members of our precious Black and Gold family in a negative light behind their backs? How many of us have seen brothers/sisters smile in the face of their Nation Kin as long as they were getting something they wanted/needed, only to hear them express their dissatisfaction with whatever it is they got? How many brothers/sisters have we caught in a lie that defined their inconsistent character? How many of us have witnessed brothers/sisters throw their life away for the sake of the �Nation�, while talking negatively about those who offered them nothing but selfless love and assistance while they got �back on track�?
Unfortunately, if we were in a room raising hands, more than half of them would be up. In my opinion the above questions represent both conspiring against and preparing to conspire against, our very own Black and Gold brothers and sisters.
You see, when our body is divided, it is weakened. Those who claim to have the answers of how we can improve our conditions and uplift our Nation as a whole should not have to express themselves in secret with lies attempting to cover their tracks. Those who are truly chosen by the Almighty Father to wear a crown should not have to refer to their brothers/sisters with contempt. When a meeting is secretly called to discuss the dissatisfaction that one or two members of the body may have, but the source of their alleged dissatisfaction is not invited or present, then the meeting loses all validity. Why, at that point it should not even be referred to as a meeting. It would more appropriately be regarded as a whining session, where alleged Kings/Queens take their crowns off and complain about those absent with no real desire to fix anything.
Unfortunately, these events are usually orchestrated by one character who as we used to say it back home, �Puts the batteries in every one else�s back�. This one individual is usually one who has benefited in every possible way by the very force that they are complaining about, and is simply looking for the way to make himself/herself popular. They long for a name in world that they feel has treated them unfairly or that simply does not understand them.
The end result of the events mentioned before are seeds of distrust, disgust, animosity, and misunderstanding being planted into all parts of the Lion. This animal that is supposed to represent the royalty of our precious Nation, then becomes ill and eventually dies. Every conversation has a negative undertone, every comment a side meaning; at the end of the day, how can you respect or acknowledge one who has allowed words common to the vocabulary of our enemies to spill from their mouth, as a brother/sister? When we allow our time to be filled with thoughts and conversations of �what if�s� that end with a sincere member of the body not being around (�What if brother A wasn�t around us anymore?�, �What is we did our own thing and did not tell Brother B?�), then we allow ourselves to be guilty of conspiring against the flesh of our flesh and the blood of our blood. When we allow ourselves to make a habit of it; when we incorporate it into our daily routine and still have interaction with the brother/sister we are conspiring against only to never mention anything, well then we are allowing ourselves to be guilty of TREASON! Treason against the Almighty Latin King Queen Nation by means of conspiring against your kin.
How can one who allows themselves to be defined by the above be regarded as a true King/Queen?
You may be asking yourself, �Mission, where does technology play a role in all of this?� Well family, I ask that you take a moment to ask yourselves, �How many brothers/sisters who I have never physically met, do I communicate with over the internet? I am by no means saying that internet communication is wrong. On the contrary, through sites such as, I believe we can enjoy the benefits of creating relationships with brothers and sisters around the world. I do however; believe that we need to carefully scrutinize the communication that we receive. When the content of an e-mail or text message, or any kind of message for that matter, is filled with references to the demise of a black and gold sibling, we must assume the responsibility of directing that dissatisfied brother/sister back to the brother/sister he/she is dissatisfied with. If they choose not to heed the advise and follow the direction, then we must acknowledge the fact that they do not seek a resolution� they seek fame. They seek to have their name serve as the meaning behind the ALKQN. They are not recognizing that true Kings and Queens are servants of their communities and sincere to their Black and Gold family. There is no fame in a world that does not understand our goals. We were not chosen by the Father to be famous� we were chose to lead our community to greatness. This can not be done if we can not even lead each other to mean the Love that we speak of when we salute one another.
Those, whose nerves have been touched by my sentiments, must ask themselves, �Why?� Why is it that you feel offense by the expression of my opinion? Is it because my words form a shoe that is fitting too tightly? Is it because you fear your lies are losing their �power�? Perhaps I have made you look back at the time when you asked to stand in the light of the Almighty, and join our precious Nation, and you realize that all you said you were� you were only for that moment. The true you is one of disseat, dissatisfaction with your own life, no desire for true mobility, only desire for destruction. Perhaps you role your eyes, suck your teeth and disregard my sentiments; you say to yourself �Whatever, I know I am a real King. Mission don�t know what he is talking about�. To that, I ask where it is that my words became personal and why do you feel that I have not regarded you as a true King? If you feel the need to make a dozen phone calls, send a dozen e-mails, a dozen text messages to those who you �run with�, I ask you; �Are you trying to put a battery in their back?�, �Are you admitting to treason?� Those who simply nod in understanding knowing that their actions never exist with the intent of going against their own�especially those who have stood by their side as they started their journey into the light, will find it in their being to send an �Amor de Rey/Reina!�, to a brother who chose to take a moment out to share his thoughts with his Black and Gold Family.
I close wishing you all the same blessings as when I opened. Though we strive for peace, may we always find the strength to keep our swords sharp and our shields shiny. It started with Love and has found eternal life through Love!! Behold!! Those who are sincere to themselves, their siblings, and their Nation, are TRUE ALMIGHTY LATIN KINGS AND QUEENS!!
Amor De Rey y Amor De Corona!!
King Mission
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