“I am not loyal to one person; I am loyal to the Crown. I do not run under anything other than the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation. I do not hide behind names or documents. I know that I was placed here by the Father to serve my community. . . with His help, I will do that and more”

“Yo no soy leal a una persona; yo soy leal a la Corona. Yo no corro bajo nada de otra manera que la Nacion Todopoderosa de Reyes y Reinas Latinos. Yo no escondo detras de nombres ni documentos. Se que fui colocado aqui por el Padre para servir mi comunidad. . . con Su ayuda, yo hare eso y mas”

Amor de Rey! Amor de Reina! Amor de Corona!
Welcome to Contemplations of the Crown

October 5, 2010

Is it possible to feel alone in a Nation that is full of so many? Is it easier to gather a group for negativity or positivity? Why/why not?

�Es posible sentirse solo en una naci�n que est� llena de tanta gente? �Es m�s f�cil reunir a un grupo para negatividad o positividad? �Por qu� / por qu� no?

September 8, 2010

"What responsibilities do we have to those who are supporters of the Nation? How do we want supporters of the Nation to show support?"

"�Qu� responsabilidades tenemos a aquellos que son partidarios de la Naci�n? �C�mo queremos que los partidarios de la Naci�n mostrar su apoyo?"

August 12, 2010

What resources would you like see offered by www.ALKQN.org and www.ALKQNSUPPORTERS.org? How do you use the resources that are currently being offered by www.ALKQN.org and www.ALKQNSUPPORTERS.org?

�Qu� recursos le gustar�a ver que ofrecen y www.ALKQN.org y www.ALKQNSUPPORTERS.org? �C�mo se usan los recursos que actualmente se est�n ofreciendo por www.ALKQN.org y www.ALKQNSUPPORTERS.org?

July 30, 2010

Why do so many choose to only utilize their voice in private when the issues that we must fix remain public? Why do so many in our royal family accept the Nation for what it is rather than consistently working for what it was meant to be?

�Por qu� tantos optar por utilizar su voz s�lo en privado cuando los asuntos que tenemos que rectificar son p�blico? �Por qu� tantas personas en nuestra familia real aceptar la Naci�n por lo que es m�s que trabajando constantemente por lo que estaba destinado a ser?

July 06, 2010

If tomorrow we had to turn complete control of the Nation over to our children, how would we explain the current state of affairs? How do you think our children would feel knowing what we have been able to accomplish and what we have not been able to accomplish? What would you highlight as our greatest accomplishment?

�Si ma�ana tuvi�ramos que dar el control total de la Naci�n a nuestros hijos, �c�mo podemos explicar el actual estado de cosas? �C�mo crees que nuestros hijos se sentir�a sabiendo lo que hemos sido capaces de lograr y lo que no hemos sido capaces de lograr? �Qu� destacar�a como nuestro mayor logro?

May 30, 2010

Is it important for us to advertise our membership to the ALKQN? What are the benefits of keeping our membership private?

�Es importante para nosotros anunciar nuestra pertenencia a la ALKQN? �Cu�les son las ventajas de mantener nuestra participaci�n privada?

May 23, 2010

So many claim that their actions are justified because they are in the "primitive stage" of Kingism. What if this stage did not exist in our Constitution? Would their actions still be justified? If so, how?

Muchos afirman que sus acciones est�n justificadas porque est�n en la fase de "primitivo" de Kingism. �Qu� pasa si esta etapa no exist�a en nuestra Constituci�n? Sus acciones todav�a sea justifica? Si es as�, �c�mo?

May 21, 2010

What exactly are we referencing when we speak of the �forces that seek to deny us�? What role do we play in our own regression?

�Qu� es exactamente que est� haciendo referencia cuando se habla de las "fuerzas que nos procuran negar"? �Qu� papel jugamos en nuestra propia regresi�n?

May 7, 2010

Why is it important that we are educated in both American and Latino Culture and History? Can we truly regard ourselves as Kings and Queens if we do not have knowledge of the Nation we live in and the Nations of our Origin?

�Por qu� es importante que seamos educados tanto en la cultura y historia de los Estados Unidos y Latinoam�rica? �Podemos realmente presentarnos como reyes y reinas, si no tenemos el conocimiento de la Naci�n en que vivimos y las naciones de nuestro origen?

May 1, 2010

What do you feel is crucial for our Nation to move forward in a positive direction?

Que crees que es crucial para nuestra nacion para avanzar en una direccion positive?

February 15, 2010

Why do so many feel that living in accordance with the true foundation of the ALKQN is optional?

Porque tantos se sienten que viviendo en conformidad con el verdadero fundamento de la ALKQN es opcional?

January 25, 2010

What role does the personal family of a King / Queen have in the success and continuance of the ALKQN?

Que papel tiene la familia personal de un Rey / una Reina en el exito y la continuacion de la ALKQN?

January 11, 2010

While we formally praise our sisters through our written words, many instances still exist where our Queens are not respected or are seen as inferior to Kings. Why does this discrepancy exist?

A pesar de que formalmente alabanzamos a nuestras hermanas a trav�s de nuestras palabras escritas, en muchos casos todav�a existen en que nuestras Reinas no son respetados o son vistos como inferiores a los Reyes. �Por qu� existe esta discrepancia?

December 14, 2009

Can the fact that so many who claim loyalty to the Nation are avoiding the basic steps of progression be considered proof that they themselves do not want the Nation as a whole to progress in the positive?

�Puede el hecho de que tantos que afirman la lealtad a la naci�n evitan los pasos b�sicos para la progresi�n ser considerado una prueba de que ellos mismos no quieren que la Naci�n en su conjunto avanza en el positivo?

Amor de Rey!
Amor de Reina!
Amor de Corona!

[email protected]

A refuge from the negative.
Un refugio de la negativa.