Fellow Kings and Queens

It is with my crown raised high that I welcome you to www.ALKQN.org, a site owned and operated by members of the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation who are committed to the truth of the crown.

The Celestial Chapter

Over the years, this website has served as a positive resource for many throughout the world and now enters into the next chapter of its existence. This chapter will be one of less involvement and more inspiration. By this we mean that we seek to inspire our royal brothers and sisters to delve into the depths of their own mind and secure the depth of their consciousness so that the foundation that holds their crown is not flawed. The time has long passed where it is acceptable to simply follow the well-organized words of others. We are overdue in our need to weed out those who claim to have a crown because they are fascinated by the concept of wearing it as jewelry and those who are faithful to the responsibility of fighting for communal justice.

Brothers and Sisters, if you are truly Kings and Queens, then you will stop acting like jesters and you will understand that the truth of this beautiful Nation is not found in us running in circles, but rather moving forward with a 360 degree view of all around us. Do not look towards the Nation to provide meaning into your life. Rather, live with your own positive meaning and ensure that your reflection is royal because of your actions and not because of your alleged affiliations.


Individuals Interested in Joining The Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation

The decision to join the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation is one that affects every aspect of your life as well as everyone in it. Do not assume that simply because you are sincere in your desire to be a positive member of the community, that others are sincere in theirs. Unfortunately, it is easier to find those who do not want to uphold the truth of the Nation and as such, they will seek to manipulate your interest so that their own personal agendas are fulfilled.

One who is truly called to explore the depths of their own royalty will understand that their contribution will come in celebrating the crown created by consciousness and not affiliation.

True membership into the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation is obtained through personal interactions with those who are already members. It cannot be obtained over the internet and is not something www.alkqn.org facilitates.


Parents of Children Interested in Joining The Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation

The history of minors in the Nation is one that is intricately connected with parental involvement and permission. While many abide by the Nation law that was passed in 2008 prohibiting the acceptance of minors henceforth, there are many more that do not. It is imperative that you remember that YOU are the authority when it comes to the membership of your child in this - or any other - organization. Any questions that you may have regarding the affiliation your child seeks, should be answered. Furthermore, if you do not approve your child obtaining membership in The Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation, then you have the right to deny them from joining.

If the alleged leadership that claims to hold responsibility over the group (or chapter or tribe) that your child is looking to join does not respect your decision or recognize your authority, then they are not true representatives of the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation.
